OutRun Media Group

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Universal Music Firing Spree

Recent reports indicate that Universal Music Group (UMG) is undergoing significant layoffs, affecting a portion of its workforce. While the exact figure of 40% staff reduction couldn’t be directly confirmed from the search results, the move is part of a broader trend within the music industry and other sectors to streamline operations and reduce costs. Here’s a summary of the situation and its potential implications for the creator economy:

Universal Music Group’s Layoffs

  • Layoffs Announcement: UMG announced layoffs following an earnings call, as part of a structural “redesign” aimed at achieving cost savings. The exact number of affected employees wasn’t specified in the search results, but the move is significant enough to draw industry-wide attention.
  • Industry Context: These layoffs come at a time when other major labels and companies across various industries are also reducing their workforce. For example, Warner Music Group announced a reduction of about 4% of its staff earlier in the year, highlighting a trend of cost-cutting measures across the board.

Implications for the Creator Economy

  • Shift in Operations: The layoffs at UMG could signal a shift in how the company and potentially the industry at large manage and invest in talent. This could lead to changes in how new artists are discovered, developed, and promoted.
  • Impact on Services: With a reduced workforce, the range and quality of services offered by UMG to artists and creators might be affected. This could influence everything from marketing support to artist development programs.
  • Opportunities for Independence: As major labels streamline their operations, there might be increased opportunities for artists to pursue independent routes. The creator economy, powered by digital platforms and social media, allows artists to directly connect with their audience, potentially bypassing traditional label structures.
  • Innovation and Adaptation: The music industry, including creators and independent labels, may need to innovate and adapt to these changes. This could lead to new business models, collaboration opportunities, and strategies for content distribution and monetization.

Looking Ahead

The layoffs at Universal Music Group, while reflective of broader economic pressures, also underscore the evolving landscape of the music industry. For artists and creators within the creator economy, this period of change presents both challenges and opportunities. Navigating this environment will require creativity, adaptability, and a keen understanding of the shifting dynamics of music production, distribution, and consumption.

As the situation develops, it will be crucial for those in the creator economy to stay informed and proactive in exploring new avenues for growth and engagement with their audiences.

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Unleashing Global Opportunities: TikTok's 'Add to Music App' Feature and Its Impact on Artists

In the ever-evolving landscape of music and social media, TikTok has once again positioned itself at the forefront of innovation and global connectivity. The platform’s recent expansion of the ‘Add to Music App’ feature to an impressive 184 countries is not just a technical update; it’s a monumental shift in how music is discovered, shared, and enjoyed worldwide. For musical content creators, musicians, and artists, this development opens up a realm of possibilities that were previously unimaginable.


 The Global Stage Awaits


Imagine your music transcending geographical boundaries, reaching listeners in corners of the world you’ve never visited. With the ‘Add to Music App’ feature now virtually ubiquitous wherever TikTok is available, this is not just a possibility—it’s a reality. Your creative expressions, your melodies, and your stories can now resonate globally, offering you exposure on an unprecedented scale.



 From Discovery to Streaming: A Seamless Transition


One of the most groundbreaking aspects of this feature is its ability to bridge the gap between music discovery on TikTok and music streaming on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. When listeners stumble upon your track in their “For You” feed and feel that instant connection, they’re just a click away from adding your song to their personal playlists. This seamless transition from discovery to streaming not only amplifies your reach but also enhances listener engagement with your music, potentially boosting your streaming numbers and, by extension, your revenue.


 Navigating Industry Challenges with Empowerment


Despite the challenges posed by disputes with major music rightsholders, TikTok’s commitment to empowering artists shines through with this feature’s expansion. This move signals a robust platform dedicated to promoting your work and ensuring that external industry conflicts do not hinder your creative expression or audience engagement. It’s a testament to TikTok’s resolve to stand by its community of artists, offering a stable and supportive environment for your music to thrive.



 A Hotbed of Innovation


TikTok’s investment in music-related technologies, such as the AI-driven music-making platform Ripple and the AI lyric generator, places you at the cutting edge of musical innovation. These tools are not just about enhancing the creative process; they’re about redefining it, offering new ways to engage with fans and explore your artistic potential. As TikTok continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital music space, you’re invited to ride the wave of innovation, leveraging these advancements to enrich your music and connect with audiences in novel ways.


 Your Platform for Growth


The global rollout of the ‘Add to Music App’ feature underscores TikTok’s role in driving music discovery and facilitating the journey of tracks from hidden gems to chart-topping hits. For you, this means TikTok is more than a platform for sharing content—it’s a catalyst for career development. It’s an opportunity to reach new audiences, grow your fanbase, and take your music career to heights previously unimagined.


 In Conclusion

For musical content creators, musicians, and artists, TikTok’s ‘Add to Music App’ feature’s global expansion is a clarion call to action. It represents a world brimming with opportunities for exposure, engagement, and innovation. As you navigate this expanded digital landscape, remember that your music has the power to cross borders, connect cultures, and inspire listeners across the globe. Embrace this moment, leverage the platform’s capabilities, and let your music be heard far and wide. The global stage is set, and it’s waiting for you.

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Navigating the Beat: The Future of Music with UMG and TikTok in the Digital Age


In the dynamic landscape of the music industry, a pivotal development involving Universal Music Group (UMG) and TikTok has ignited widespread discussions. This development isn’t merely industry jargon; it’s a narrative deeply intertwined with the essence of music creation, distribution, and the rights of creators. At Outrun Media Group (OMG), located in the heart of Kinston, NC, we’re at the forefront of addressing the critical issues facing the music industry today, such as sync licensing and the evolving creator economy.

 Sync Licensing: The Core of Music and Visual Media Harmony


Sync licensing represents the crucial intersection of music and visual media, where a song enhances a movie scene, commercial, or TikTok video, creating memorable moments. This mechanism is not only pivotal for enriching visual content but also serves as an essential revenue source for artists and songwriters. With the rise of digital platforms, the significance of sync licensing has surged, underscoring the necessity for equitable practices that honor and compensate music creators.

 UMG and TikTok: A Call for Fairness and Respect


UMG’s open letter to TikTok transcends mere corporate dialogue; it’s a demand for justice, respect, and protection in the digital realm. The core issues—appropriate compensation, the influence of AI on creativity, and the safety of digital spaces—are concerns that resonate with us all. They reflect the overarching challenge of evolving the music industry in a manner that supports and sustains its creative foundation.


The Creator Economy: Transforming Music Creation and Consumption


The creator economy, fueled by platforms like TikTok, has revolutionized how music is created and consumed, offering artists a direct line to global audiences. However, the UMG-TikTok situation highlights the challenges in ensuring fair compensation for creators. This scenario serves as a reminder that, despite changing platforms, the intrinsic value of creativity remains unchanged.


Outrun Media Group: Fostering the Next Wave of Musical Talent


At OMG, we’re not just spectators of the music industry’s evolution; we’re contributors, dedicated to cultivating emerging musical talent. Our OMG Creator Studio in Kinston is more than a recording space—it’s a hub for creativity, where artists can explore, innovate, and flourish. Understanding sync licensing and the nuances of the creator economy is essential for any artist aiming to succeed in the contemporary music scene.

 Empowering Artists for the Digital Future


Looking ahead, our goal is to equip artists with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to thrive in the digital era. This involves educating them about their rights and advocating for a music industry that acknowledges and respects those rights. We envision a future where music thrives as both an art form and a sustainable career for creators.


 Conclusion: Shaping a Fair and Creative Music Industry


The dialogue between UMG and TikTok reflects the broader challenges the music industry faces in the digital age. At Outrun Media Group, we’re committed to promoting fairness, respect, and creativity, helping to sculpt a music industry that not only adapts to new challenges but also respects the timeless tradition of music. We’re excited to support the artists and songwriters who inspire us with their passion and creativity, ensuring the music industry remains a vibrant and nurturing space for talent.

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Why Your Community Needs a Skatepark

Skateboarding is a popular and diverse sport that attracts millions of participants and spectators worldwide. Skateboarding can also have positive impacts on the communities where it is practiced, especially in rural areas that lack recreational opportunities and resources. In this essay, I will argue that building a community skate park in Kinston, North Carolina, can benefit the city in terms of socioeconomic status, health and life, tourism, economy and crime rates. I will also discuss the legal implications of the North Carolina skate at your own risk law for skate park users and owners.


Socioeconomic Status


One of the benefits of a community skate park is that it can improve the socioeconomic status of the residents, especially the youth. Skateboarding can provide a constructive and positive outlet for self-expression, creativity, skill development and social interaction. Skateboarding can also foster a sense of belonging, identity and pride among skaters who share a common passion and culture. Skateboarding can also inspire skaters to pursue higher education, careers or entrepreneurship related to the sport or the industry.


According to a study by the University of North Carolina, skateboarding is among the activities that can help keep children out of trouble and away from risky behaviors such as smoking and drinking¹. Skateboarding can also reduce illicit behavior by providing designated spaces for positive activities, instead of leaving youth with nothing to do or nowhere to go². A skate park can also serve as a platform for community engagement, education and empowerment, where skaters can learn from each other, mentor younger skaters, organize events or volunteer for social causes.

Health and Life


Another benefit of a community skate park is that it can enhance the health and life quality of the residents, especially the skaters. Skateboarding has significant physical health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular fitness, balance, coordination, flexibility and strength². Skateboarding can also prevent obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases that are prevalent in rural areas³. Skateboarding has significant mental health benefits as well, such as reducing stress, anxiety and depression, boosting self-esteem and confidence, and promoting happiness and well-being².


A skate park can also provide a safe environment for skateboarding, reducing the risk of injuries or accidents that may occur on public streets or private property². A skate park can also comply with the safety standards and regulations set by the state or local authorities. In North Carolina, there is a skate at your own risk law that protects skate park owners from liability for injuries or damages caused by skaters’ negligence or assumption of risk⁴. However, this law also requires skaters to wear helmets and other protective gear, follow the rules of conduct and respect the rights of others⁴.



A third benefit of a community skate park is that it can attract tourists to the city, especially skaters from other places. Skateboarding is a global phenomenon that transcends geographic boundaries and cultural differences. Skaters often travel to different locations to experience new or unique skate spots, meet other skaters or participate in events or competitions. A skate park can be a destination for skaters who are looking for a challenge, a variety or a novelty in their skating experience.


A skate park can also be a source of revenue for the city, as tourists spend money on accommodation, food, transportation and other services or goods. A skate park can also create jobs for local residents who work in the skate park or related businesses. A skate park can also generate tax income for the city that can be used for public services or infrastructure. According to a study by Clemson University, skate parks have a positive economic impact on their communities, generating an average annual return on investment of 12 percent.

Crime Rates


A fourth benefit of a community skate park is that it can reduce crime rates in the city, especially among youth. Skateboarding can deter crime by providing an alternative activity that is fun, rewarding and legal. Skateboarding can also prevent crime by occupying idle time that could otherwise be used for mischief or violence. Skateboarding can also reduce crime by creating a sense of community and responsibility among skaters who care for their skate park and their peers.


According to several studies and reports from different cities across the country, skate parks have been associated with lower levels of crime in their surrounding areas²  . For example, in Long Beach, California, crime has dropped in the immediate area around the 14th Street Skate Park since its installation in 2003. In Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, crime has decreased in the neighborhoods near the public skate parks built as part of the Reclaiming Public Spaces project.



In conclusion, a community skate park in Kinston, North Carolina, can have multiple benefits for the city and its residents. A skate park can improve the socioeconomic status, health and life, tourism and economy of the city, as well as reduce crime rates. A skate park can also promote skateboarding as a sport, a culture and a lifestyle that is inclusive, diverse and positive. Therefore, I recommend that the city should consider building a skate park as a valuable investment for its future.




¹: NBC Philadelphia. (2006). Keeping Active Best Way To Keep Kids Out Of Trouble. Retrieved from https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/keeping-active-best-way-to-keep-kids-out-of-trouble/2138335/


²: Spohn Ranch. (2014). The Top 6 Benefits of Public Skateparks. Retrieved from https://www.spohnranch.com/the-top-6-benefits-of-public-skateparks-2014-03-02/


³: Rural Health Information Hub. (2021). Rural Obesity and Weight Control. Retrieved from https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/topics/obesity-and-weight-control


⁴: North Carolina General Assembly. (2005). Article 2A – Skateboard Liability. Retrieved from https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/ByArticle/Chapter_99E/Article_2A.pdf


: Clemson University. (2017). Economic Impact of Skate Parks in South Carolina. Retrieved from https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=parks_rec_pubs


: City of Long Beach. (2009). Long Beach Rejects Assertion that 14th Street Skate Park Project is Stimulus Waste. Retrieved from http://www.longbeach.gov/globalassets/city-manager/media-library/documents/memos-to-the-mayor-tabbed-file-list-folders/2009/november-2009/long-beach-rejects-assertion-that-14th-street-skate-park-project-is-stimulus-waste


: Borderzine. (2011). Skate parks help keep kids out of trouble in Juarez. Retrieved from http://borderzine.com/2011/04/skate-parks-help-keep-kids-out-of-trouble-in-juarez/


Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/17/2023

(1) The Top 6 Benefits of Public Skateparks | Spohn Ranch. https://www.spohnranch.com/the-top-6-benefits-of-public-skateparks-2014-03-02/.

(2) Skate Parks Benefit All | We Are Parks and Recreation | Parks …. https://www.nrpa.org/parks-recreation-magazine/2022/november/skate-parks-benefit-all/.

(3) 11 Best Skateparks In North Carolina | Skate The States. https://skatethestates.com/best-skateparks-in-north-carolina/.

(4) The Benefits of Public Skateparks – NHRPA. https://www.nhrpa.com/resources/Documents/The%20Benefits%20of%20Public%20Skateparks.pdf.

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OMG Creative Team
The Hip-Hop Drought of 2023: When the Beat Takes a Break

Hey there, music lovers! It’s time to dive into a surprising twist in the world of music. Can you believe it? We’re halfway through 2023, and there hasn’t been a single hip-hop album or song rocking the No. 1 spot on the Billboard charts. Talk about a plot twist! This unexpected drought has caught everyone off guard, leaving us buzzing with questions and scratching our heads.

The Rise and Fall:
Last year was a whole different story. By this time in 2022, we were grooving to the beats of six talented rappers who claimed the No. 1 spot. But in 2023, the hip-hop heavyweights like Tyler, the Creator, Pusha-T, Future, Kendrick Lamar, Gunna, and Lil Durk are yet to secure their spot at the top. Even our favorite chart-toppers from last year, Jack Harlow and Future with Drake, seem to be taking a breather.

What’s Going On?
So, what’s the deal? Billboard suggests that the absence of our usual hip-hop heroes might be part of the equation. It seems the most popular and reliable artists haven’t dropped their new projects yet. And let’s not forget the struggles faced by rising stars like Lil Durk and YoungBoy Never Broke Again, who are still working hard to make their mark on the Billboard 200.

Chart Takeovers:
While hip-hop takes a pause, other genres are seizing the spotlight. Miley Cyrus with her enchanting track “Flowers” and Morgan Wallen’s catchy hit “Last Night” have been ruling the Billboard Hot 100, capturing the top spot for eight and nine weeks respectively. Talk about unexpected surprises shaking up the music scene!

Hip-Hop’s Resilience:
Don’t you worry, hip-hop fans! The genre’spower and influence remain unshaken. In fact, hip-hop’s overall sales have seen a 6.3 percent increase compared to last year. Though the market share for hip-hop and R&B has dipped slightly from 27.8 percent to 26 percent, country and Latin music are on the rise. Change is in the air!

What’s Next?
The hip-hop drought of 2023 might be an unexpected twist, but it won’t last forever. The resilience and creativity of our favorite hip-hop artists are bound to bring us chart-topping hits in no time. We can already feel the excitement building up as we eagerly anticipate the upcoming releases that will reclaim hip-hop’s throne on the charts.

So, my fellow music enthusiasts, let’s stay positive and keep the rhythm alive! While hip-hop takes a temporary breather from the No. 1 spots on the Billboard charts, there’s no doubt that it will come back stronger than ever. The beat goes on, and we can’t wait to witness the next hip-hop anthem that will have us grooving and reclaiming the top spots. Stay tuned and join us on this thrilling musical journey!

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OMG Creative Team
Unleashing Kinston's Creative Revolution: The Epic Story of OMG Creator Studios

Get ready to embark on a captivating journey into the heart of Kinston’s creative revolution with OMG Creator Studios. This incredible studio, a proud member of the Outrun Media Group family, is revolutionizing the way local talent in Kinston is nurtured and celebrated. From musicians to filmmakers, artists of all backgrounds are flocking to OMG Creator Studios to harness their creativity, digitize their creations, and make their mark on the world.

In this gripping article, we delve into the inspiring vision of Josh Perez, the CEO and co-founder of OMG Creator Studios. Perez, along with his passionate team, is determined to transform Kinston into a global hotspot for creative brilliance. With a commitment to providing affordable access to professional equipment and a supportive environment for creators at all levels, they’re breaking down barriers and opening doors to unlimited possibilities.

But OMG Creator Studios is not just focused on the present and future; they’re deeply rooted in Kinston’s rich history and cultural heritage. Through their upcoming documentary, which explores the captivating story of Kinston’s notorious Sugar Hill area, they seek to preserve the city’s legends and inspire future generations. It’s a perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation, paying homage to the past while forging a new path towards creative excellence.

The buzz around OMG Creator Studios is undeniable, and the community is buzzing with excitement. From their first open mic event that left attendees awestruck to the promise of thrilling camps and events throughout the summer, the studio is becoming a vibrant epicenter of artistic expression. They’ve built a tribe of passionate creators, including US Military Veteran co-founders Josh Perez and Brian Guillen, music director Tabara Taylor, and visionary director Curt Braden. Together, they’re writing a new chapter in Kinston’s creative story.

Are you ready to witness the magic? Dive into the full article to discover the electrifying rise of OMG Creator Studios, their mission to empower creators, and the incredible impact they’re making in Kinston. Don’t miss out on this thrilling journey of artistry and innovation.

Visit the full article HERE to unlock the complete story and experience the breathtaking world of OMG Creator Studios. Get inspired, get creative, and join the revolution that’s transforming Kinston into a powerhouse of artistic brilliance!

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